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Our Governors


Tim Wakefield

Chair of Governors 

Kevin Sankey.jpg

Kevin Sankey

Vice Chair of Governors and Chair of Finance Committee

Message from the Chair of Governors


It is a pleasure to introduce myself as Chair of Governors for Dovecotes Primary School. I have had the privilege of being on the governing body for over 10 years and seen at first hand the school grow and develop into the wonderful, nurturing setting it is today. This success is all down to the hard-work, talents and determination of the pupils, parents, and staff throughout the entire school.


For my part, I have worked in the community for 15 years as the founder and chief executive of Switch, a charity for children and young people who are experiencing challenges and barriers to their education. As Chair of Governors, I am also the Safeguarding Governor, and I am not only able to offer my experience but have a range of qualifications including supporting the social and emotional needs of young people, education management and the coaching and mentoring of education professionals.


At home I am kept busy by my 3 children and enjoy coaching and managing their football teams at weekends. I am also a long-suffering season ticket holder at Wolves, which is not always the most relaxing past-time!


I am contactable via the school’s reception and always happy to help whenever I can. I very much look forward to continuing my support for the pupils, the parents, Tracy Challenor and all the staff at Dovecotes as we strive to make the school the very best it can be.


Tim Wakefield

Register Of Interests

  • Mr T Wakefield: The Switch Project Ltd

None of our governors have any material interests arising from relationships.


Our Governing Board Committee Structure


Committee Structure

·        Mrs Margaret Butler (Chair)

·        Mr Tim Wakefield

·        Miss Tracy Challenor 

·        Mrs Laura Jones

·        Miss Kerryann Booles

·        Ms Emma Pritchard 

·        Mrs Delma Woolley 

·        Mrs Linda Guest

·        Ms Conchita Henry

·        Ms Rebecca Raynal

·        Mr Ryan Pitt-Woodcock

Finance, General Purposes and Sites

·        Mr Kevin Sankey (Chair)

·        Miss Tracy Challenor 

·        Mrs Laura Jones

·        Miss Kerryann Booles

·        Miss Eva Blakemore 

·        Mrs Saranjit Kaur

·        Mrs Margaret Butler 

·        Ms Emma Pritchard 

·        Mr Tim Wakefield 

·        Mrs Delma Woolley 

Pay Committee

·        Mr Tim Wakefield (Chair)

·        Miss Tracy Challenor

·        Mr Kevin Sankey

Governor Attendance 2023-24

Dovecotes Primary School - Meeting Attendance

Y = Attended, N = Apologies Accepted, N/A = Apologies not Accepted, NS = No Apologies Sent

FGB = Full Governing Board, CC = Curriculum, SBC = Sites and Buildings, FGP = Finance and General Purposes

Governor Attendance 2022-23

Dovecotes Primary School - Meeting Attendance

Y = Attended, N = Apologies Accepted, N/A = Apologies not Accepted, NS = No Apologies Sent

FGB = Full Governing Board, CC = Curriculum, SBC = Sites and Buildings, FGP = Finance and General Purposes

Governor Attendance 2021-22

Dovecotes Primary School - Meeting Attendance

Y = Attended, N = Apologies Accepted, N/A = Apologies not Accepted, NS = No Apologies Sent

FGB = Full Governing Board, CC = Curriculum, SBC = Sites and Buildings, FGP = Finance and General Purposes

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