Curriculum Statement
Curriculum Intent
At Dovecotes Primary School, our intent is to provide a bespoke curriculum that is meaningful and offers exciting learning opportunities both inside and outside the classroom. We aspire for children to leave Dovecotes Primary School with a natural curiosity and thirst for knowledge. It is our intention that every child will achieve irrespective of their background or starting point. Our curriculum intent is underpinned by the National Curriculum but is enhanced and carefully planned to reflect the diverse make up of our school; our children’s cultural backgrounds and heritages are recognised and celebrated so that all children can see themselves in our tailor-made curriculum and feel a sense of inclusion and belonging.
The school’s core values known as 'The Dovecotes Way' drive the curriculum which are:
​Be ambitious
Be kind
Be honest
Be brave
Be creative
Be healthy
Be you
Our curriculum has been planned to ensure that children acquire a rich bank of knowledge and skills; topics are taught in blocks which make links to prior learning, repeat key concepts and revisit and build upon key knowledge and skills to develop the long-term memory. We exploit opportunities in all subjects to develop children’s language acquisition and expose them to rich new vocabulary daily. Since we believe that reading opens the door for every child to succeed, we are determined that every child, by the end of their time at Dovecotes, will have a lifelong love of reading, and be able to comprehend and read fluently.
Our curriculum provides the essential knowledge for Dovecotes’ pupils to become educated citizens; it develops cultural capital which is further enhanced by enrichment activities, such as visits and trips, that deepen learning; it exposes our children to the best authors, artists, scientists and musicians who inspire them to be ambitious and the best they can be. Our curriculum offers breadth and depth and appreciates the wider curriculum beyond reading, writing and maths; creativity is valued and pupils are exposed to high quality teaching, including specialist teaching in P.E and Music, to support them in finding and pursuing their unique talents.
We also use our curriculum as a vehicle to educate our children so that they are equipped to lead both physically and emotionally healthy lives. We aim to develop independent, trustworthy children who navigate life successfully, guided by an inner moral compass that enables them to be make healthy life choices. Our curriculum teaches pupils to care for themselves, each other and their community as well as be responsible global citizens with a desire to look after the planet, be charitable and respect and appreciate diversity.
Our curriculum teaches resilience and encourages children to take and manage risks by taking part in experiences and activities that push themselves outside of their comfort zone and develop confidence and self-belief. As a school we instil the belief that anything is possible through hard work and effort and that good behaviour for learning is imperative to achieve this. As a whole school approach, creating a nurturing environment which supports children in being ready to learn, as well as consistency in both expectations and routines, is extremely important. Building strong, respectful relationships between pupils and staff is central to this as well as a pride in the school, and Dovecotes family, to which we all belong.
For further information about the school's curriculum please contact Mrs. Jones, our curriculum lead, through the school email address.